Alton Maddox: Connecting the Dots and Thinking Outside the Box
This country had to assassinate Malcolm X and Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. and it had to imprison Mumia Abu-Jamal and Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin. Louis Clayton Jones had to be “disbarred” and Amos Wilson had to be silenced. Rev. Jeremiah Wright had to be defrocked in a bill of attainder. Their critical analyses would militate against the dumbing down of a downtrodden people....Before I was removed from the legal profession in 1990, the New York Post ran editorials demanding that I be disbarred. They argued that if I were left unchecked to do my thing, other Black attorneys would attempt to emulate me. Most Blacks still believe that my conflict with New York is personal. Whites know better. History guides them.