Alton Maddox: White Prosecutors Destroying Black Life
Same-sex advocates argue that the struggle for same-sex marriages has a kinship with the civil rights struggle. Wrong! There may be parallels in the two struggles, but there are different rationales. Moreover, many same-sex couples are racist to the core. Enslaved Africans were unable to marry anyone. They had no rights and certainly no opportunity to choose a non-traditional lifestyle. Gov. David Paterson got it wrong when he sought to connect the struggle for same-sex marriages with Brown v. Board of Education. Even after New York passed its gradual emancipation statute in 1799, Africans were still not permitted to marry. Interracial marriages were not given guarantees under the Constitution until 1967. An interracial marriage is still the likely subject of a cross burning. Thus, freedom and emancipation are not synonyms. Similarly, citizenship and freedom are not synonyms.