BN-W Snapshot - Django Unchained - Worthy!
Yes, n-word used more than 100 times (set in the year 1858, when New World enslavement was in its approximately 239th year). Whatever weird dynamic of admiration/disrespect/fear that writer and director Quentin Jerome Tarantino may harbor for Blacks, particularly Black males, it’s clear that he definitely has a huge n-word obsession, which is solidified with this film and officially sealed with the final scene – which appears AFTER the closing credits. (Did he use kike – a Jewish derogatory racial slur – at all in “Inglourious Basterds”?) Because this derogatory racial slur, the n-word, is used in its historical context and in its original setting by the White people who created it, he succeeded in getting his fix to use it ad nauseam. Maybe now, some Blacks will understand the dehumanizing process that took place for over 200 years...↧